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Support Service Definition - Product Documentation

Support Service Definition

What is provided by House-on-the-Hill as part of the Support Service?

The Support Service for the HotH application comprises of the following:

  1. The diagnosis of faults (i.e. a recurring or repeatable issue within the HotH Application that impacts on its performance or usability) as reported by the customer.
  2. The rectification of such faults, by means of a fix or workaround, (the provision and timing of a HotH application update is at House-on-the-Hill’s discretion).
  3. Customers will be notified (usually by email) of HotH application updates which may assist in correcting the specific fault as reported by the customer. The customer will be provided with collection and upgrade instructions in relation to the HotH application update.
  4. Customers are welcome to access the online Support Library ( which includes guides on Initial Setup, Maintenance and Onsite Systems Setup.
  5. Customers with on-site systems where the Support Service has been renewed will be provided with upgrade instructions for new releases of the HotH application.
  6. Advice will be provided by email or telephone in relation to reasonable enquiries on the use of the HotH application; Consultancy will be recommended for requests to assist in the configuration or re-configuration of the HotH system.

What do we need from the Customer?

  1. We ask you to supply in writing a detailed description, including images of any fault requiring our attention and the circumstances in which it arose.
  2. We will ask for the version of HotH that you are currently running and whether this is a live or test system.
  3. Issues can be logged as incidents directly using the Customer Support Portal or can be emailed using House-on-the-Hill’s support email address ( Please keep use of the telephone for emergencies only.
  4. To assist in the diagnosis of faults, House-on-the-Hill may request the customer for a data export or a backup copy of the customer database. (We will at all times treat any data we receive with utmost care and confidentiality). House-on-the-Hill may also request that the customer replicates the issue and provide a trace file. Use of the remote connection will only be offered where other diagnostic options have already been followed; the offer of remote connection will be at House-on-the-Hill’s discretion.

When do we respond?

  1. We endeavour to log incidents in the Customer Support Portal, received by email or telephone, within 2 hours of receipt provided that the request is received by House-on-the-Hill between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:30 pm GMT Monday through Friday excluding English public holidays.
  2. Incidents logged in the Customer Support Portal will be immediately acknowledged with an email to the customer, stating the reference and subject.
  3. Support requests made by the customer of an urgent nature will be given priority. Please see table of priorities below.
  4. We also treat new customers in their go-live endeavours with a higher priority, providing that this is covered as part to the implementation plan agreed between the customer and House-on-the-Hill.
  5. Customers with an on-site perpetual licence who are late in the renewal or payment of the Support Service will be treated with a lower priority.
Priority Explanation
1.       Urgent The HotH system is inaccessible or the issue is causing data corruption
2.       High The issue is having a serious impact on the performance or usability of the HotH system
3.       Medium An annoying, recurring or repeatable HotH issue that requires further investigation and possible configuration, setup or code change
4.       Low A request for assistance or a change, and there is no current degradation of the performance of the HotH system

What is excluded from the Support Service?

Technical Support shall not include the diagnosis and rectification of any fault resulting from:

  1. The improper use, operation or neglect of either the HotH application or the infrastructure on which it resides (the designated infrastructure).
  2. Any adjustment, alteration or modification of the HotH application or the merger (in whole or in part) with any other software by any person other than House-on-the-Hill, without House-on-the-Hill’s prior written consent;
  3. Any adjustment, alteration or modification of the data handled by the HotH application with any other software or by any person, without House-on-the-Hill’s prior written consent.
  4. The use of the HotH application on equipment other than that recommended in HotH System Requirements.
  5. The Customer’s failure to install (or for hosted systems, permit House-on-the-Hill to install) any update of the HotH application advised by House-on-the-Hill.
  6. The use of the HotH application for a purpose for which they were not designed.

Requests for Development

If the issue reported by the customer is considered to be a request for a change to the HotH application, including web styling, rather than the rectification of a fault, then House-on-the-Hill will either;

  1. Provide a quote to the customer for the consultancy/development hours involved. The charge will be discounted where it is considered that the revision is of relevance and benefit to other customers and as such will be enabled in a future version of the HoH Application. Where a development is exclusive to a particular customer then there will be an ongoing maintenance charge set at 15% of the development price.
  2. Log the request in our queue of Changes for possible future inclusion in the HotH application.

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