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Project Management

Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of IT service delivery teams.

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Key benefits of using House-on-the-Hill Project Management software in IT service delivery

Improved Visibility

House-on-the-Hill Project Management provides real-time updates and status tracking, allowing IT service delivery teams to have complete visibility into the progress of their projects.

Planning Schedules

House-on-the-Hill Project Management provides advanced project planning tools, such as Gantt charts, which can help IT service delivery teams to create detailed project plans and ensure that projects are delivered on time.

Streamlined Processes

House-on-the-Hill Project Management helps to automate repetitive tasks, reducing manual work and freeing up time for more important tasks. Such as scheduling repeat jobs and selecting project templates

Better Collaboration and Communication

House-on-the-Hill Project Management enables IT service delivery teams to collaborate and communicate more effectively through email and push notifications through MS Teams.

Increased efficiency

House-on-the-Hill Project Management can help IT service delivery teams to work more efficiently, reducing the time and resources required to complete projects.

Key House-on-the-Hill Project Management Features  for IT service delivery


House-on-the-Hill’s Project Management is completely configurable from dashboards, notifications, reports, forms and fields.  We can fit the unique needs of your IT service delivery team.

Reporting and analytics

Out-of-the-Box House-on-the-Hill comes with robust reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing you to track key metrics and KPIs. Any data can be reported on, scheduled and exported.

User-friendly Interface

The simple interface and all be accessed from within the main Service Desk. All under one roof.


The HotHApp and MS Teams integration, allows IT service delivery teams to access project information and updates on the go.

House-on-the-Hill Project Management is a valuable tool for IT service delivery teams. IT service delivery teams can improve their processes, increase efficiency, and deliver projects on time, within budget, and to the desired quality standards.