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Financial Management

Manage costs, contracts and suppliers.

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Manage Costs

Financial Management

House-on-the-Hill’s financial management functionality enables businesses to manage costs, contracts and suppliers associated with the services provided to customers, all through the service desk.
Cost cutting

Stock Control

Stock Control and Purchase Order Management

House-on-the-Hill also enables Stock Control and Purchase Order Management, with reporting functionality helping organisations to identify where money can be saved, whether stock needs replacing, and ultimately save costs. Automatically calculate the number of Products ‘in Stock’ and ‘Number Used’.

Purchase Order

Automatically generate PO numbers and tax costs

The processing of Purchase Orders is commonly used within internal support and is available as part of SupportDesk Enterprise. Identify Products to be purchased, quantities and automatically generate PO numbers and tax costs.

Manage Suppliers

You can indicate the appropriate Supplier when creating Product, Activity and Contract records, and can also place Purchase Orders with specific Suppliers.

Manage Contracts

Manage Supplier and Service Contracts, and associate Contracts with Product, Inventory and Customer records.