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Drag and Drop Call Form Builder

Building forms, easy.

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Call Forms

Drag and Drop Call Form Builder

Call Forms provide an extension of House-on-the-Hill functionality by allowing you to build unique Forms for all types of call, be they Incidents, Problems, Equipment Requests, New Starters, Inventory items, Activities or Contracts. Using Drag and Drop features you can quickly build the Forms you require.
The Form Designer allows service desk administrators to create all the forms that are required, just by dragging fields listed in the grid.
Extra Fields can be created in House-on-the-Hill, and will appear in the Call Form builder, so that all required information can be captured in each call-logging process.
drag and drop


Associate Call Forms with Service Desk Processes

Once Forms have been created, they can be associated with Folders. So for instance, it is possible to select a specific Incident form for use by service desk Analysts in the Incident Folder, and also a form that will be used by Customers (WebGuests) for logging Incidents.

Call Templates

Tying Forms to Quick Calls

Special Forms such as “Equipment Requests” or “New Starter” Forms can be associated with call templates, which are named ‘QuickCalls’ in House-on-the-Hill. Customers can then be given a set of call templates, each with a unique form, depending on the type of call.

Context Sensitive

The power is in your hands

Make Forms user and context sensitive to provide the optimum display and function depending on who is accessing the form, agent or end user, on desktop or mobile device.